Reward Loyaltyドキュメント

Discovering Loyalty Cards: How do Members Find Them?

Members can locate a loyalty card to start saving points in several ways.

Browsing the Website

Partners have the ability to design loyalty cards and make them publicly visible on the homepage. This enables visitors to the website to see a selection of loyalty cards that are readily available.

Loyalty cards visible by default

This is optional; you may choose to maintain an empty homepage as depicted below. In this case, members will need to scan a QR code, as outlined in the next paragraph.

Empty homepage

Scanning a QR Code

This is probably the most direct method of engaging people in specific loyalty campaigns. Each loyalty card has a unique URL. Turn this URL into a QR code and display it wherever it suits you—on business cards, menus, window displays, flyers, promotional materials, and more. This provides an easy gateway for potential members.